Thursday, April 25, 2013

Riding a Bike...

Riding a bike can be fun! Not only that it can make you healthy in many ways. You can exercise your body while traveling around without the needs of going to the gym, riding a bike can also increase your strength because of your feet pedaling every time you move.
For some people who wants to burned calories, riding a bike is a good way to do it.

Riding a bike does not pollute the environment, unlike cars and motorcycles did so bike is almost the best way to get around. The feeling you get when you get around with a bike is cool and refreshing. Try to spend some of your time getting around with a bike. You will feel better after that :D

So get a bike and feel the difference...

Riding a bike
Source: Google Images

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Thanks for reading my story about the hunger in Somalia, I hope you like it. ^o^
Please comment if its good or not

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Calamity in Somalia - Fictional Story

By the time you're reading this, you must be really grateful because you're not suffering the hunger like we did in Somalia.
Oh by the way, its Sarah here. I travel with my mom and my brother to find food for us to survive this calamity. 
It was June 19. The weather was very hot today, as if the sun was scorching us. The air seems very humid and warm. The sun's heat had caused beads of sweat to form in my face. There were almost nothing left here, only shattered trees and dried weeds all along the way. Even mom looks very tired and weary the longer we continue our journey. If you're asking where our father is, he is working out from the country as he recounts that there are no more jobs here in Somalia, and the price of foods have been increasing drastically. So he asked us to stay here, cause he'll be going back in the weekends; promising that he will bring hope for us.

So, here we are walking in the endless ruins as our stomach is trying to sustain the hunger we hold on for so long. There were a half-eaten loaf of bread and some musty old cabbages in our bags; made from rags which our grandmother had made for us before she pass away not long ago because the lack of food here. All of us have been a bit gloomy ever since. 

"We're here, kids" my mom said happily as she pointed to a river. She have a dark curly hair with quite a dark skin, her eyes look very sad and I know she was trying to hide all those sadness inside and guide us through this long journey. Her name was Lia, it was actually Liana but that's her shortened name and most people call her that. She was dressed in old rags, like us. 
She carried a bag which was filled with our supplies. 

"Water, at last" my brother, Cain shouted. He look exactly like my father, with dark skin face with short curly brown hair. He looks very happy as he saw the water in the river flowing water. Yeah, waterFresh Water.

"Yeah!" I yelled, a bit too loudly. I quickly grabbed the bucket we had bring to scoop the water we found.

The water felt cool at my hand as I scoop it. It felt so nice to feel it, after walking in this never-ending scorching desert. 

After we had our supply of water we continued our journey until we found a hill with a small cave underneath, it was enough for us to camp there for a while. 

"We will have the salty cabbages for tonight" my mom said as she open the bag and took some old cabbages and began to tear it to shreds.

"Again?" I asked 

"Yeah, we will find more food later" my mom quickly added as she heard the anxiety in my voice growing deeper and more uncertain. 

"It's okay, sis" Cain assured "We will save the bread for tomorrow" 

We eat the remaining cabbages silently, until my mom said,

"Not to scare you guys.. but the remaining foods we had in stock will last for only two days; at the latest. 

"That's a really short time" Cain said.

"Yeah, but I think we should try to survive with it" I said.

After we eat, we sleep on the solid stone the cave had provide us with. Waiting for food to come, and a chance for us to survive. 


As I slept in the cold and dark cave, I dreamt I was standing on top of a mountain. A really beautiful mountain filled with life. Grass and trees were growing with joy. Even the trees have some fresh fruits growing in it. 

Juicy! I thought. 

As I ran for the tree, I realized I will still dressed in rags and my grandmother's bag was still with me. Inside the bag was the half-eaten bread I had saved for tomorrow. The only food we have. But somehow, looking at the tree had made me feel somewhat sad.. It was only a dream, even if I eat all those fruits, I'll still be starving anyway in the morning. 

But my feet wouldn't stopped me, I keep running until I reached that tree, when something or someone loomed on top of the tree, casting shadows on my face. I focus my eyes to the creature and I saw a cat. Its furs glittered with golden fur, it's eyes was luminous yellow. Its paws were neatly cut and the cat's face smiled with delight. 

"Take the fruits with you" the cat smiled. "Even if you think that was only a dream, don't you know that dreams are somewhat real?" 

I was too surprised I couldn't talk as I simply nodded and began plucking some apples and oranges to the bag I magically brought. 

"Take your time" the cat said cheerfully as it leaped and vanished. 

Weird... I thought

But what if this dream is real? I could bring all these fruits with me, we can survive! 
So I quickly pick all the fruits and put it in basket, after I was done I could hear my mom's voice saying,

"Wake up Sarah!" my mom's voice said, "And why are there..?" 

"FRUITS!" my brother screamed.

I open my eyes immediately, the moment my brother shouted.

"What is it?" I asked, still sleepy. 

I saw what was I holding, to my surprised I was holding the bag we have, filled with the exact same fruits that I picked in my dream.

"What?" I asked myself confusingly. 

"Food!" my brother exclaimed.

"Where did you get it?" my mom asked me amazed.

"Well it started when I have a dream.." I said slowly and then tell the whole story to my mom and my brother who were listening to the story with a stern expression on their faces

"Amazing" my mom and my brother said at once. "But we couldn't stay here, we need to get moving"

"Yeah" I agreed.

So we started the new day with some grapes and apples. And we continued our journey after that. We were feeling really great,  and we were really happy for the blessings we received. 

But I started to think about the mysterious dream I had last night.. what was that?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Newspaper Article

Jessica Aurelia
Jakarta Barat
29 January 2013

To the editor....

Hi! I would like to tell how we as an Indonesian student could get involve in helping the World Hunger that is happening right now. The number of people dying because of hunger is increasing day by day and it has gotten really serious because every six seconds, someone around the world die because of hunger, and this number has reach 15 million children dying a year. The results are shown on the table below:

As a student, the things I do to help is by donating. Donating is the most simple thing you can do, maybe I can donate some money, packed lunch and any other things they might need such as medicine.
Going to the charity that's helping World Hunger is a good way to donate things.
If you don't have time, you could donate it online, its quick and simple. 
You could also offer them free education by teaching them some stuff you learn at school.

And remember not to waste the food you have because each food you have right now is a blessing :)

Maybe if you have more ideas to help, feel free to post it in this website I will surely read any comments you make.

Thanks for Listening 

Jessica Aurelia


Monday, January 14, 2013

Peace Symbols - Olive Branch

Olive Branch 

"An olive branch is usually a symbol of peace and victory and was historically worn by brides. This symbol, deriving from the customs of Ancient Greece is the strongest in Western culture." Wikipedia

Origins of Olive Branch

 "The Origins of Olive Branch was started in Ancient Greece when Athena and Poseidon compete in taking Athens as their possession. Poseidon claimed possession by thrusting his trident into the Acropolis, where a well of water gushed out. And Athena claimed possession by planting the first olive tree. And so they choose Athena to claimed Athens instead" Wikipedia

Olive Branch is mostly used as a gift to victors, for brides and a symbol of peace.